1.Easy & Quick Solution to Dandruff
Dissolve 2 aspirins in any dandruff shampoo and then wash your hair. Results are amazing dandruff.
2.Make Your Own Herbal Hair Oil
(For dandruff & strong hair)
* Take a bunch of mehendi leaves along with amla pieces (either fresh or dried ones which have been soaked overnight).
*Grind these coarsely together.
* Now take about 150 ml of coconut oil in a cooking vessel (kadai) and add the paste to it.
* Simmer on low flame till all moisture evaporates.
* Cool and strain use regularly.
*Keeps dandruff away and also makes hair roots strong.
3.For a Glowing Face
{ Make a paste of 2 table spoons of cream (malai), 1½ table spoons of Ata (wheat flour ) and few drops of lime juice. Daily apply this paste on your face for 5 minutes, then remove it and wash.
[Note : For oily skin use besan (gram flour) instead of Ata.]
Try to think positive, take proper sleep and drink lots of water certainly no one can look more charming.}
4.For Chicken Pox Marks
Kachha doodh with chiraunji (bheegi hui) mix it well and make a paste, apply it on chicken pox marks, they will disappear in few days.
5. For Best Hair
Massage hair with warm coconut oil an hour before washing. Take some petals of hibiscus and grind it in the mixer. Apply this paste to your hair and then rinse it. For better result you can boil a few hibiscus flowers in coconut oil. Filter this oil and use it to control hair loss and thinning, you can also use Jaborandi oil which is again an extract of hibiscus flower.
6. Tomato Wrap
Make a puree of 4 tomatoes. Soak some rice for 30 minutes and grind it coarsely. Add this to the pureed tomatoes. Apply this mixture all over the body and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Bathe with warm water; this is a good scrub recipe for oily skin.
7. Hair Care
Problem: Excessive hair loss or getting early grey hairs.
Remedy: Soak some methi seeds in night and in the morning make the paste of the seeds and apply it to your scalp. After 1½ - 2 hrs rinse it with plane water. This will strengthen your hair and make them dark and shiny.
8.Skin care
Problem: If your face is dry and rough.
Remedy: Take equal amount each of Melon, Pumpkin, Cucumber and Watermelon and make a paste of these. Then blend it with milk cream and apply it on your. After 1 hr rinse your face with plane water.
Problem: Sunburn.
Remedy: Mix 1 teaspoon of Besan with 2 teaspoon of curd and apply it on your face. Let it remain on the face for ½ hrs. Rinse with plane water. Helps in curing sunburns.
9. Skin Tips
Improve your complexion
Mix equal amounts of Cucumber juice and Lime juice and apply them to your face before taking bath; wait for at least 10 mins. Your complexion will improve.
10. Household Tips for your skins– Using Tomatoes
Tomatoes are Anti-Oxidant hence including tomatoes in your daily diet will make your skin Wrinkle Free. And using the paste of one day old curd with a tomato and applying it to your skin soft. Also, if you skin is oily then applying the its pulp on your face for 15 min. then rinse your face with warm water. This will absorb extra oil from your skin and improve your complexion.
11. Beauty Tips
a. After the Mehendi dries, remove it and apply some Vicks Rub on your hands, let it be there for 5-6 hours. The color of your Mehendi will darken.
b. Remedy: Mix 1 teaspoon of Besan with 2 teaspoon of curd and apply it on your face. Let it remain on the face for ½ hrs. Rinse with plane water. Helps us during sunburns.
c. After removing the skin of the Cucumber and making a paste of the cucumber with raw milk and applying it on your skin will improve your complexion.
Many people are reluctant to get old. In fact, growing old is inevitable. What could be shunned is just getting old too fast.
With a holistic approach to slowing the aging process can be achieved as reported in this unique.
is it true that your age is 60 years old? Apparently your age is 50- something years. "Whoever we are, especially women, would be a flowered when they hear such praise. In fact, longevity in the sense of staying healthy, fit, and youthful is the desired one man.
A psychological study in the U.S. prove, entering middle age ( 40-60 years ) and more people begin to feel less excited, sad, and scared. This is partly due to the emergence of mental and physical deterioration, accompanied by cessation of reproductive cycles in women, as well as the pressure of the importance of youth.
American culture is more glorified and appreciate the efficiency, strength, speed, and physical attractiveness, causing many Americans to make efforts in order to stay looking young.
Indonesian society was infected with a lot of confidence like that. They flocked to find a variety of alternative treatments to "fight " aging. In fact, aging is something that can not be delay.
Ageing is actually a manifestation of working together between genetic and sociological factors. The biologists believe aging is a product of the expression of several genes. This gene activates genes that act more as a person enters the aging phase of reproduction.
While from the point of sociology, aging is closely related to personality, lifestyle, and subcultures someone.
But with better conditions and treatments, is now a growing number of men and women who have not shown signs of mental and physical age until age 65, even about 70 years.
In reaching such a state, a holistic approach ( overall ), who essentially live a healthy lifestyle, it impacting better than partial measures like plastic surgery or nutrition.
Note Nutritional Factors
If you want to be healthy until old age, do not forget to pay attention to daily food consumption. More than 40 compounds need to be incorporated into the body in its original form ( essential ). Among 10 kinds of amino acids, 13 vitamins, 20 or more mineral elements and one or two fatty acids. But there are some things that deserve attention
1. Currently quite difficult to get complete nutrition from the foods we consume daily for a place to farm the land infertile. Not to mention more and more use of chemical fertilizers and food processing techniques that only consider the cost factor, lively and interesting. What is also troubling, many products the use of transgenic ( genetically modified ).
2. Setiap orang memiliki kebutuhan nutrisi khas. Tidak ada dua manusia memiliki kebutuhan nutrisi yang betul-betul sama. Kebutuhan itu pun terus berubah sesuai tingkatan umur dan kondisi tubuh. Dalam kondisi stres umpamanya, kita membutuhkan lebih banyak vitamin C.
3. After entering the age of 50 years, needs some nutrients to increase despite calorie needs decrease, either due to reduced ability to absorb food or due to the aging process. Needs calcium for example, increases when porous bones begin to happen.
4. Nutrients or food supplement not a drug that can have an effect in one or two days. It takes a minimum of one month with regular consumption to determine their effect.
5. Additional nutrient requirements can not be determined based on sheer approximately. It takes the advice of experts to decide. Consumption of nutrients without additional controls as a result influenced food advertisements or for fear of excessive malnutrition, can even be an act of useless, even dangerous. Because the effect of each individual's body is different. Excessive doses can cause toxic effects. For example vitamin C excess ( > 5000 mg ) can trigger kidney stones.Excessive calcium ( > 2,000 mg ) can cause hypercalcaemia. High doses of vitamin E can cause high blood pressure and rheumatic heart disease. Excess vitamin A will cause anorexia, swelling of the liver, easily irritated, skin disorders, hair loss, bone pain, and hypertension.
Excess vitamin D caused decreased body weight, calcifications in many soft tissues of the body, and kidney failure. Excess vitamin B6 cause peripheral neuropathy.
6. Eating extra food should be in sufficient doses and only when needed. In fact there are additional nutrients are poorly absorbed unless taken with other nutrients. Yes the best use of multivitamins consumed immediately after meals.
Additional nutrients that are often recommended include vitamin B complex, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin A, chromium, zinc, calcium, selenium, magnesium, and coenzyme Q- 10 7.
Despite frequently touted is still very relevant to remind the middle -aged age: keep a normal blood cholesterol levels by avoiding fatty foods, reducing the consumption of meat and otherwise reproduce fresh food, fruits, fish, soy products, tea or water, fish oil, garlic, vegetables, and other fibrous foods. This will reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Equally important, when old age arrives later, we need to keep your body weight remained normal or even lighter. Because obesity will invite a lot of risks, including heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, stroke, and diabetes. Eat fat, but do not cross the line 10-25 % of total calories eaten. Meanwhile, consumption of sugar should be no more than 10 %.
Sugar is indeed a problem of modern society as there are in almost all processed foods. Though refined sugar is not just poor nutrition (not like the sugar in fruit, vegetables or other natural foods ) but also cause tooth decay. "Sin " that carried sugar can be more severe because he's rich and fattening calories so easy to overload the pancreas, which produce insulin, thus stimulating the emergence of diabetes.
While coffee contains a lot of caffeine can stimulate the central nervous system. Consumption of salt or sodium should be limited due easily increase blood pressure and threaten the cardiovascular system. Alcohol, which is one source of free radicals, can impair physical and mental health. Besides the calorie content of alcohol roughly between sugar and fat so that it can also cause obesity. While the additive substances which generally contain more than 200,000 synthetic materials can poison the body or stimulate the emergence of cancer.
Simply doing Sports
well, rather than boring with the ban, let's move on to positive action. One could put forward the suggestion that the first is: exercise! There are many reasons why the sport or physical exercise can help maintain the physical conditions that are not easily fall.
In general, exercise can increase body resistance against diseases and accelerate the healing process. In addition, exercise can improve the digestive system, sleeping habits, nutrient absorption, and disposal of residual substances. No less important, psychologically, exercise can reduce stress, reduce the appearance of psychosomatic disorders, as well as increase energy and enthusiasm for life, including improving the capacity and sexual function. With exercise, concentration, attention, and memory will increase so we look more attractive.
Physiologically any exercise will increase muscle size and strength of heart. Can also increase the volume of the heart pumps and improve coronary circulation. Moreover, it can lower the content of triglycerides, LDL ( bad) cholesterol and raise HDL ( good) cholesterol in the blood. Exercise also can help prevent the formation of plaque in blood vessels and blood clotting and thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Benefits of exercise has not stopped there. With exercise, muscle mass, strength and bone density, the number of mitochondria and respiratory enzymes will increase so that more efficient metabolism. Also can prevent degeneration and atrophy ( shrinkage ) of the network, and to prevent interference with the appearance of motion and movement such as arthritis, inflammation of the bursa, called bursitis ( bursa is a sac or pouch -like chamber containing a viscous fluid in the tissue that functions to prevent friction between the parts in the network). Exercise also prevents other disorders such as back pain, bone loss, muscle spasms, joint pain, etc.. while improving the reaction speed and reflexes.
Staying Active and Happy
The term "active " was also a key word for people who want to stay young in old age. Because the active life will keep their emotions and nerves, and this will slow down the aging process. Unused brain will cause memory loss as well as analytical skills. When performed tests of intelligence, obviously those who continue to actively value will be higher than the unemployed. Life cheerful and full of spirit, are also necessary in order to stamina and vitality of soul and body to stay awake. An optimistic attitude and always try to think positive in the face of stress is very helpful. Also provide time off and maintain healthy sleep habits ( eight hours a night).
Feel happy or not it actually depends on our own minds. Therefore, living in a society that is closely and participate actively in social relations within it will have positive impact for us. Social activities at the same time can help cure diseases and to shield against all emotional disorders.
There is nothing wrong, we also actively participate in religious activities. The study of 4,000 parents by Dr. Harold G. Koening and his team from Duke Medical University, Durham, USA concluded, religious belief or the belief in it can extend the life of the elderly. Those who believe a strong and diligent to the house of worship at least once a week, 28% survived six years longer than those who did not. Logical reasons mentioned Koening, in general, parents who are diligent to come to a place of worship in itself will reduce smoking and drinking which containing alcohol.
Living Healthy and Safe
Above all, we must not also forget that aging is a process of interaction of genetic and environmental factors. While genetic factors certainly can not be avoided, adverse environmental factors can still be controlled so that the aging process could be slowed. Hostile environmental conditions, such as too hot, dry, full of pollution, the influence of the parasite, the noise, solar radiation, can cause the body is not stable, even damaged.
Unfortunately, modern man is increasingly frequent contacts with foreign chemical substances that can cause cell injury, immune disorders, and cancer. Contact with hazardous compounds can occur through the work environment, diet, lifestyle or other means. Surrounding environment, both inside and outside the room filled with many toxic gases given off by various furnishings. Sick building syndrome is one of the impact.
Sunlight, though very useful for humans, can sometimes be dangerous, especially the influence of ultraviolet radiation that is harmful to the body. Ultraviolet A ( UV - A, 320-400 nm ) fluorescent effect (the ability of certain substances to diffuse light ). UV - B ( 290-320 nm ) can cause erithema ( skin redness ) and can trigger skin cancer. UV - C ( 100-290 nm ) is very damaging so it can be used as a germ killer. At the equator, in a state of light is not cloudy, about 30 % of UV - B can reach the Earth. The farther from the equator decreases. However, ozone depletion that began and spread in the polar regions could provide a threat of UV radiation exposure.
UV - B can have devastating effects on proteins and DNA that can cause skin cancer, eye cataracts, and decreased endurance. Therefore sunbathing habits that took many hours is definitely not a healthy hobby. Conversely, methods such as life returned to the wild life in the wild, camping, exploring nature, is the best way to reduce the physical stress caused by environmental stresses.
Of course the use of drugs and medical therapies are required in accordance with the advice of health experts is necessary, given that the condition of pain in old age can not be avoided. Hopefully in the future, when the understanding of gene regulation and biochemistry of the body was complete, it would appear that drugs can effectively cure the major cause of physical disorders and psychiatric problems of the elderly.
But above all, it is necessary to every one accepts the fact that he would be old. While not too late, let's try to keep soul and body to stay healthy, fit, and youthful!
Natural lip care tips for women
•Apply lip balm or petroleum jelly (Vaseline) on your lips before you go to take a nap each night as it helps to keep your lips moisturized.
•As far as hydration is worried, it is vital to drink at least 3-4 liters of water or 10 glasses of water.
•During winter months, cracking of the lips is very common and it makes sense to use lip balms and moisturizers to keep the lips soft.
•In order to get the perfect pink lips, girls can try applying beetroot juice each night before going to bed.
•In order to remove dead cells from your lips which causes the lips to blacken, one may choose to apply lemon juice from time to time. This will get rid of those dead cells.
•If one is keen to get smooth lips that are all rosy, consider applying mint juice to your lips or even coriander leaf juice for that matter helps a fantastic deal.
•Make sure that you eat healthy. Loads of fruits and vegetables are absolutely necessary in addition to a right amount of proteins for healthy skin and lips.
•Avoid smoking and drinking too much tea and russet as they make your lips black. If blackening of lips suggest itself due to smoking, it is next to impossible to get rid of black lips.
•Make sure that you exfoliate your lips with a soft and dry toothbrush at least once each week.
•Eat a lot of salads. They help to make your lips look fantastic.
•If you want to go the extra mile, I will suggest you to apply coconut milk to your lips as well as your skin.
Child -Baby Care Tips
How to Protect children from accidental drug poisoning?
Risk of drug poisoning amongst infants and young children can be lowered by taking necessary safety precautions.
Parents should become vigilant when their child starts creeping; it is the most vulnerable time for any mishap including drug poisoning. In this age child has too much inclined to hold every thing and tries to put it in mouth.

It is difficult to make the child understood the difference of useful and harmful substances before the age of 3 years. To ensure baby health safety following points should kept in mind in daily life.
Medicines / Chemicals at Homes
It is common practice that medicines are kept in houses, obtained from hospitals or purchased from markets in order to available in any odd time. These medicines including antiseptics, lotions and liquid balms, acids, perfumes, liquid bleach or any other harmful substances may result in serious cases of poisoning and accidental death of innocent children.
In order to avoid any mishap following safety measures are essentially required to be taken;-
Un-necessary Medicine Storing
Avoid unnecessary storing medicines in houses; keep all harmful substances out of reach of children.
Place Medicines under Lock and Key
All medicines required to keep at home should be kept under lock and key.
Safe Disposal
Due to broken seal partially used medicines become useless with passage of time and may get expired before prescribed time period. So discard such partially used medicine instead of storing it for future use, in order to avoid any mishap.
Storing Un-used Medicines
Unused medicines should always be returned to dependent hospitals so the medicine can be brought in use for other patients (after ensuring its seal and expiry date).
Discard Spoiled Medicines
If you feel any change of color in syrup/lotion/eye drops/ ear drop is sufficient cause to discard the same.
Safe Administration of Medicines
Great care is required to be observed during the period of using medicine; never let the medicines to be left here and there especially in the presence of children or infants.
Medicinal Awareness to Youngers
Teach children in the age 3 or more about the medicines and its safety precautions.
Avoid Self-medication
Always consult your doctor regarding any health problem and avoid self medication/indiscriminate use of drugs in the house.
Drug Poisoning
In case of accidentally drug poisoning, try to find out the poisonous substance galloped; because the treatment / neutralization of different substances like strong acid, alkalis, petroleum is differently administered according to the nature of substance.
Avoid Delay in Getting Treatment
In case of drug poisoning immediately remove the patient to hospital along with the empty bottle of drug taken for further laboratory tests, without any loss of time
How to Prevent Life and Valuables from Fire
Health, fitness and beauty are the most precious, amongst the uncountable blessings of God. Normally people take care for their health, fitness and beauty and spend a lot in trying to gain and maintain it. And try to avoid every thing which is harmful for their health, fitness and beauty.
I think the most harmful and terrible hazard not only for health beauty and fitness but even to the life as a whole is fire. Here are given some guidelines in order to prevent fire hazard;-
Awareness of Fire Hazards
The most important thing to avoid, fight and to escape from fire is the awareness. Each family member, even children should give awareness about fire hazards equally and should follow the all safety precaution regarding fire. Fire never excuses the mistake of any one.
Avoid Carelessness about Fire
Many cases of fire are result of carelessness for example smoking near petrol pumps is carelessness. So avoid any carelessness which may cause fire hazard.
No Negligence in case of Fire
The second cause of fire is negligence; for example ignoring small fire or ignoring burning cigarettes butts. Avoid negligence to prevent fire.
Accidental Fire
The third cause of fire, when there is no negligence and carelessness is called accidental fire. Short circuiting or electric wires is an example of accidental fire. Accidents can not be stopped but further guidelines may be derived from any accident as safety precautions.
Installation of Fire alarms
It is necessary to install fire alarms and smoke detectors in order to avoid any accidental fire. And keep the batteries of your alarm system serviceable with its regular replacements.
Avoid Careless Smoking
Most of the fire cases have been found the result of careless smoking. Smokers should be careful while smoking in covered area especially in bed rooms. Some smoker use to smoke before sleeping, they should avoid smoking; especially if they have drunk or feeling sleepy.
Display Emergency Help Numbers.
Emergency help numbers (police, fire brigade, Hospital, ambulance service or other related services) should be displayed near your telephone set and saved in mobile sets in order to avoid any delay to call the helpers. While calling for help, explain complete home/office address to the concerned staff so they can reach the destination immediately.
Emergency Doors / Exit points
In every building emergency door and alternate exit points should be provided in order to escape the life during emergency. All the residents of the building should fully aware about the escaping plan during emergency without any confusion.
Six Great Tips To Healthy Teeth
Everybody loves healthy teeth. Strong, white teeth are an added feature that makes you look much better and increase your self confidence. It is for this reason that millions of people throughout the world spend billions of dollars every year in the search of dentistry options that will help them have and maintain beautiful, healthy teeth. There are numerous procedures, both natural and technological, that have been developed over the years specifically to satisfy this demand for good teeth and a good proportion of these procedures will cost you an arm and a leg to acquire. The good news is that you do not have to spend all that money and there are several simple processes that are very easy to execute, but which in the end will be able to help you achieve the same results as those of the expensive treatment, if not better results.
The six tips listed below should help you to maintain healthy clean teeth at very little cost. It is worth mentioning here that all of the tips below require dedication in maintaining the stated routines and procedures since the results of the efforts only begin to manifest in the long run. These are not tips to help you get your teeth white and healthy in a single day.
1) Brush your teeth regularly- It is important to brush teeth following each and every meal that you take. This includes the snacks, which most people tend to overlook in the opinion that not much damage can come from snacks. In addition, brush your teeth every night before you go to sleep and every morning once you wake up.
2) Use dental floss every day- you should make an effort of flossing your teeth as many times as possible. The flossing should be limited to at least once every single day. Flossing teeth is important since the dental floss is able to reach deep places in between your teeth that the toothbrush cannot and to remove calculus from there.
3) Brush or scrape your tongue- Many people brush only their teeth and forget about the tongue. Your tongue too harbors the same kind of food leftovers on which the bacteria and the teeth are in constant touch with the tongue so it makes good sense to brush both. You can alternatively use a tongue scraper to achieve even better results.
4) Irrigate your teeth and gums daily- You should learn how this is done and do it everyday. Oral irrigation gets rid of the hidden bacteria.
5) Use the right nutrition- The dietary benefits to the teeth cannot be overemphasized. There are a number of vitamins and minerals that can only be found in food and which are essential to strong teeth.
6) Visit your dentist regularly. This should be carried out a minimum of twice every year.
10 Tips to Cure Bad Breath
Whether it's a fleeting case of morning breath or a lingering bout with halitosis, everyone has bad breath sometimes.
Unfortunately, for as easy as it is to get bad breath, getting rid of it can be a lot more complicated. For some, employing a toothbrush, floss and mouthwash more frequently to remove plaque, the nearly invisible film of bacteria that contributes to bad breath, will do the trick. For others, a professional cleaning to remove stuck-on tartar, which is hardened plaque, will be necessary. Others still will discover that cavities and gum disease are at the root of their bad breath problems.
Occasionally, bad breath is due to something in the lungs or gastrointestinal tract, or to a systemic infection. Some health problems, such as sinus infections or diabetes, can also cause bad breath. And sometimes it just comes down to what you ate for dinner.
1: Brush and Floss
Your mouth contains millions of bacteria. In fact, there are probably more bacteria colonized in your mouth than there are cells in your entire body. Of the some 700 kinds of bacteria that thrive in the mouth, scientists have identified and studied fewer than half -- which makes it difficult to know exactly how to combat the odors that all those bacteria give off as a byproduct when they digest their food.
Regardless, there are a few things you can do to beat the bad breath caused by germs. Start by keeping your mouth clean: Your food supply is their food supply. Although you can try to kill bacteria with mouthwash, this is only a temporary solution. The bacteria will grow back over time. Your best defense is to brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, and floss once a day. This will help remove the food trapped between your teeth, as well as the food trapped in the gum line. Otherwise, both of these areas would provide breeding grounds for bacteria. If food particles are left to linger, bad breath is imminent,
2: Clean Your Tongue
Scientists suspect that some bacteria, particularly bacteria located on the top of your tongue closest to your throat, actually protect against foul-smelling breath. Other types of bacteria, however, produce a pungent odor as they multiply. What does this research mean for you? The type of bacteria most prevalent on your tongue could mean the difference between good and bad breath. Unfortunately, researchers don't yet know how to tip the bacterial balance so that you'll always have naturally sweet-smelling breath.
There is one simple thing you can do to help, though: Clean your tongue. The rough surface of the tongue is home to a potentially foul-smelling combination of dead cells, food debris, bacteria and the byproducts of bacterial digestion -- factors that all contribute to less-than-fresh breath. Be sure to brush your tongue with your toothbrush after you brush your teeth. Or, for a more effective scrubbing, use a tongue cleaner. This handheld device is designed to scrape the surface of the tongue and remove odor-causing debris from its surface.
3: Wet Your Whistle
You've had a good night's sleep, a treasure topped only by the chance to awaken leisurely as the morning sun streams in through your bedroom window. As you stretch your arms and legs and decide finally to roll out of bed, you relish this perfect morning -- until you get a whiff of your own breath, that is.
Why is morning breath so awful? When you sleep, you produce less saliva than when you're awake (and therefore eating, drinking and speaking). Saliva contains oxygen, and oxygen deters the growth of bacteria
Unfortunately, "morning breath" is a misnomer. Your mouth can become dry during the day, too. And a dry mouth -- whether it's at midnight or noon -- can quickly cause bad breath. You need plenty of saliva because it helps clean your mouth; it's naturally antibacterial, and it washes away food particles. Banish morning breath by brushing your teeth, cleaning your tongue and rinsing with mouthwash. To keep your saliva flowing throughout the day, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
4: Don't Rely on Mints
Relying on a mint to mask bad breath works about as well as using cologne to cover up body odor. It may work for a little while, but eventually the smell will break through. A mint or piece of chewing gum simply won't kill the bacteria that cause mouth odor. Plus, if the mint or gum contains sugar, it will act as a buffet for the bacteria your mouth. They will continue to rapidly reproduce and release the byproducts, such as volatile sulfur compounds, that cause bad breath
It's also possible that your bad breath is caused by a medical condition, not just the bacteria in your mouth, and a mint definitely won't replace a visit to the doctor. Although mouth odor is often associated with gum disease or tooth decay, it can occasionally signal health problems such as respiratory or sinus infections, bronchitis, diabetes or malfunctions of the liver or kidney
If checkups with your dentist and physician don't reveal an undiagnosed medical condition, and if you're cleaning your teeth and tongue on a regular basis, the culprit could be as close as your dinner plate. We'll explore some common foods that cause bad breath in the next section.
5: Know the Culinary Culprits
The foods you eat can exert a lot of influence on the way your breath smells. So, if you're one of the 90 million people in America who have bad breath, it's time to examine your dinner plate.
You probably expect some foods to give you bad breath, such as garlic or onions. But some bad-breath culprits may surprise you. Take meat, for example. Meat particles are known for sticking around, even after you've swallowed your bite of steak and washed it down with a gulp of water. These meat particles collect at the gumline, get stuck between teeth, and sometimes work their way under fillings or crowns -- and are especially attractive to reproducing bacteria.
High-protein and low-carb diets, while a possible boon to your waist size, aren't great for your breath. Eating fewer than 100 grams of carbohydrates a day triggers a condition known as ketosis, a metabolic state that causes your body to burn fat instead of sugar. Ketosis is notorious for causing bad breath
6: Rinse After Eating and Drinking
What you drink can cause bad breath, too. Consuming an acidic beverage, including soda pop, coffee or alcohol, will release compounds into your bloodstream that will, in turn, release odors through your breath. Plus, acidic drinks lower the pH level in your mouth: A lower pH level allows bacteria to flourish and release volatile sulfur compounds, which smell similar to a rotten egg.
Even if you don't want to avoid your morning latte, you can still freshen your breath by doing one simple thing: Rinse your mouth with plain water after drinking it. This will help rebalance your mouth's pH levels. Rinsing with water also works after meals -- no matter what you've eaten. Swishing the water around may help remove some of the food particles left in the mouth after a meal and prevent bad breath from setting in,
7: Use Nature's Cures
If you're serious about combating bad breath, chase your meal with green tea or sip it throughout the day. Green tea helps keep your breath fresh because it has antibacterial compounds that fight the germs in your mouth. Up the ante by using a cinnamon stick to stir your tea; cinnamon has essential oils that fight stinky breath, too
Mint, parsley, basil, cilantro and dill temporarily mask offending oral odors because they release scented essential oils when chewed or crushed. While these herbs offer a quick solution to rancid breath, they also contain high levels of chlorophyll that can provide long-term benefits.
Chlorophyll is the green pigment that allows plants to photosynthesize energy from light. It can also help neutralize internal body odors, thereby reducing the smells that emanate from the body -- including bad breath [source: Duke]. If you aren't interested in chewing on fresh herbs or steeping them to make a tea, you can ingest concentrated chlorophyll either as tablets or sublingual drops (which are drops placed under the tongue for absorption).
8: Eat to Smell Sweet
There are certain foods that smell good -- and that make your breath smell good, too. Take fruits high in vitamin C, for example. Melons, berries and citrus fruits such as oranges are packed with vitamin C, something that doesn't sit well with the bacteria in your mouth. Instead of continuing to reproduce, the bacteria will begin to die. And the more C-laden fruits you eat, the more oral germs you'll kill.
Other foods that help quell rancid breath include raw, crunchy fruits and vegetables. Celery, carrots and apples are all good options to munch after a meal because these fiber-packed foods will help remove any food that's stuck in your teeth. These foods also stimulate saliva, which is detrimental to bacteria [source: Gazziniga].
Raw apple slices may be a great way to end a meal and get your breath back on track, but there's one after-dinner ritual that's bad for your mouth. Learn more on the next page.
9: Skip the Cigarettes
If you're one of the 46.6 million Americans who still smoked cigarettes as of 2011, you've probably battled off-putting breath, too. Not only do cigarettes release a cocktail of chemicals into the mouth, but they also cause a host of other problems.
People who smoke cigarettes are more likely to experience oral infections and disease. In addition, they often have a plaque buildup on their teeth, and plaque is an ideal place to harbor odor-causing bacteria. Plus, smoking tends to dry out the mouth. A dry mouth is an oxygen-depleted mouth, which provides the perfect environment for anaerobic bacteria to thrive. Although they don't typically inhale smoke into their lungs, pipe and cigar enthusiasts face similar risks
10: Visit Your Dentist
You haven't eaten garlic in six months, you've given up acidic drinks and you end each meal by eating a raw apple instead of a sugary dessert. But you still have bad breath, and you're still wondering what to do about it.
Unfortunately, one of the most common causes of persistent bad breath is also one of the most overlooked: a lack of regularly scheduled visits to your dentist. The American Dental Association recommends that children and adults have a professional cleaning regularly. For most, twice a year should suffice. For others who experience tartar buildup more quickly, four times a year may be necessary.
The professional cleaning process not only removes tartar form the teeth, which if untreated could lead to periodontal disease, but it also can identify any infected areas that need treatment [source: American Dental Association]. By getting to the root of the problem, you can ensure fresher breath, too.
5 Things Your Skin Needs Every Day.
With about 2 square yards (1.7 meters squared) of exposed skin to care for, it makes sense that many people's medicine cabinets are crammed with skin-care products [source: iVillage]. But for most of us, using more than two or three of those products on a daily basis is unnecessary -- and may even be doing more harm than good.
1: Cleansing
Cleansing is the most basic element of any skin-care routine. It not only removes excess dirt, pollutants and pore-clogging oil from the epidermis so it can remain blemish-free, but it also preps the skin for any subsequent products you'll be using, so active ingredients (like vitamins or sunscreen) can penetrate and be most effective.
But not all cleansers are the same. First, a facial cleanser should always be soap-free; the soap products you use on the rest of your body are typically too harsh for the face. And, as with most skin-care products, you need to pick one that suits your skin type. For very dry skin, you might want to go with a creamy cleanser. Dry and/or sensitive skin should always go alcohol-free, whether creamy or not. An oily epidermis can benefit from an acidic cleanser, like an alpha-hydroxy product, which does a better job of breaking up sebum -- the skin's oily secretion that can lead to clogged pores.
Whichever cleanser is right for you, be sure to massage it into your face for at least 20 seconds so it has a chance to do its job
Cleansing is all about the surface of the skin. Up next, going a bit deeper…
2: Water
The human body is full of water -- it's 55 percent to 75 percent of what we are [source: ASA]. Water flushes toxins out of the body, allows our cells to absorb nutrients, and keeps our digestive processes moving smoothly.
But that water isn't a constant. The most basic bodily processes, like breathing and sweating, remove that water from our cells. So for our cells to function properly, we need to consume lots of water to replace what we lose.
The skin is no different from the rest of the body when it comes to needing hydration. Water helps to remove impurities from the skin that can lead to pimples, and it hydrates to keep the skin looking plump and smooth.
To keep the skin hydrated, you should drink at least half a gallon (2 liters) of water each day
3: Essential Fatty Acids
Essential fatty acids, or EFAs, are an important component of any healthy diet. They help to build up the lipid-based cell membranes that hold in water and nutrients. In the case of the skin, those lipids also form an oil barrier that protects the skin from UV damage and pollutants.
Without EFAs, skin-cell membranes and that overall protective barrier can't work effectively. The skin ends up overly exposed, dehydrated and prone to produce a more harmful type of sebum, leaving it dry, inflamed and blemished
The EFAs you need to keep your skin looking great are primarily omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-6 is found in tons of foods, including poultry, grains and cooking oils, so you're probably getting plenty of that. Omega-3s are somewhat harder to come by; you'll find those in cold-water fish, like salmon and sardines, along with flaxseed and safflower oils, kidney beans, walnuts and spinach. Some skin experts also recommend another EFA, gamma linolenic acid (GLA), for its anti-inflammatory effects. GLA is founds mostly in plant oils.
You might find it helpful to take an omega-3 or GLA supplement to improve your skin health. You'll find those in most grocery stores, and definitely any natural-foods store.
4: Sun Protection
When you use sunscreen, you're not just helping to protect yourself from diseases like skin cancer; you're also helping to prevent the signs of skin aging that come from sun exposure. Skin that's left naked in the sun ends up more discolored and wrinkled and less elastic than skin that has been steadily shielded from UV radiation.
In fact, what most of us think of as "aged skin" is, more specifically, sun-damaged skin.
To protect your skin from the effects of the sun, you can choose either a chemical sunscreen, like avobenzone or oxybenzone, or a physical one, like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Either way, look for one with a sun-protection factor (SPF) greater than 15, and apply it at least 20 minutes before you're going to be in the sun [source: Mayo Clinic]. That way, the active ingredients have time to take effect before the UV exposure begins.
If you go swimming or have occasion to sweat a lot, be sure to reapply afterward.
5: Antioxidants
Antioxidants are widely believed to be beneficial for both cardiovascular health and cancer prevention. They're found in all sorts of foods, including fruits, vegetables, seafood and oils. Antioxidants' free-radical-fighting activities destroy molecules that can damage healthy cells (see How Antioxidants Work to learn more), and as it turns out, they're as great for skin cells as they are for every other cell in the body.
While many different antioxidants can be beneficial to the skin, two in particular get lots of attention:
Vitamin C -- Builds collagen for plump, tight skin. Find it in whole grains, apples and citrus fruits. Aim for 75 milligrams a day
Vitamin E -- Protects cell membranes and "boosts" skin-based nutrients that fight off UV damage. Find it in wheat germ oil, almonds, and peanut butter. Aim for 15 milligrams a day.